Osteothai treatment is a meditation in movement that benefits body, mind, breath and spirit.
The treatment is a unique experience of integration of different types of touch and techniques coming from the art of Thai Massage, Dynamic Thai and Osteothai. The treatment support and improve the body’s natural health and self-regulation.
In comfortable clothes, like in a dance, the whole body (physical, energetic, spiritual) is treated with kindness, precision and ability through: rhythmic and static pressures, stretching, on “Sen” lines, shaking and rocking of the body – or parts of it -, joints, fasciae and viscera mobilization, muscle stretching, cranium-sacrum and breathing rebalancing. The treatment lasts from one to two hours and is suitable for anyone, including the elderly and children, because everyone is able to receive kindness and care.

- Induces deep relaxation
- Relieves tension and headaches
- Improves your sleep cycle
- Releases and deconstructs the muscles
- Improves breathing
- Increases flexibility and joint movement
- Improves posture and body Tensegrity
- Improves lymphatic cleansing-toxin elimination
- Improves blood circulation and diastolic blood pressure
- Stimulates the motility and vitality of internal organs
- Strengthens the immune system
- Stimulates neurological function and increased vitality
- It acts on the perception of pain
- Balances the flow of energy
- Facilitates the integration of shock and trauma
- Improves proprioceptive and interceptive abilities
- Facilitates recovery from long-term injuries
- Improves sports performance